
Foot Clan

Poker, Cigars, Arcade games, and that weird skateboard ramp make me realize why I loved this scene so much as a kid. According to Wikipedia this flick came out in 1990, which would have made me 5. I didn't think I was so young when I was obsessed with skateboarding but between that movie, SK8 TV on Nickelodeon, and the family friend who had a quarterpipe with Bart Simpson spraypainted on it, I was hooked enough to convince my dad to buy me a NASH set-up at MVP Sports. If I'm not mistaken it was at MVP Sports in the Westgate Mall in Brockton MA. Of course a few years later I was pretty much over it and onto BMX.


cubby said...

i ride that spot in the peralta video on the reg.

Caleb said...

The guy on his longboard made me laugh. Thanks for posting this.

Nick Ferreira said...

ha no sweat...