
I Did It My Way.

When I watch this ( I try to watch it weekly, at least to listen to the audio for inspiration) all I can think about is this jam. It reminds me to keep doing what I want and to do it exactly how I think it should be done. There are so many amazing quotes in there that the only way to do it justice is to watch it!


Ryan C./Ice Cold Zine said...

This a gem. Was so stoked that props uploaded the segment.

Sasquatch Canyon said...

one of my favorite trails sections, exactly why people should hang out in the woods. dogs, beers and pure bicycle enjoyment
i love Daryl because he shows positivity can be sincere and day/life changing

Craig said...

Whoa, does that dude work at Santos Party House? Pretty sure he served me up some Shirley Temples at a BREAKDOWN show...

Nick Ferreira said...

I bet dude. I'm sure it was him.

Unknown said...

darryl nau and andrew wk are the same guy, right?